Accessing the Build Outputs

Many outputs can be opened in TerraExplorer after the build is complete. The supported outputs include: 3DML, AT Calculated Photos, AT Tiles, DSM, DTM, and Orthophoto. These outputs are added to the Build Outputs list when a build is finished. The Build Outputs list is organized by build. Each build can be expanded in the list to show all the outputs generated in that build.

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To open in TerraExplorer:

§  In the Build Outputs list, select one of the outputs, and click Open with TerraExplorer . A FLY file opens in TerraExplorer with the 3DML, AT Calculated Photos, AT Tiles, DSM, DTM, and Orthophoto outputs, if they were generated in the PhotoMesh project.

Note:        The Build Outputs list also provides an Open Project's Output Folder  option to access any of the project’s outputs.