Exporting and Importing a Retouch Layer

You can export retouch layers with selected retouch polygons to an SQLite file. The layer can be modified in TerraExplorer and reimported to PhotoMesh.

In Ortho mode, you can also import a polyline or polygon feature layer with retouch polylines/polygons for cleaning edges or cars, in shp, sqlite, and gpkg formats. See "Working in Ortho Mode" in this chapter for more information.

To export a retouch layer:

1.     In the Project Tree, select the Manual Retouch group, and then in the Manual Retouch list, select the retouch polygons that you want to export, and click Export . The Export Manual Retouch Objects dialog is displayed.

2.     Browse to the location where you want to save the layer, and click Save. The layer is exported with the selected retouch polygons as an SQLite file.

3.     Browse to the required folder, and click Save.

To import a retouch layer:

1.     On the Home tab, in the Add group, open the Retouch dropdown, and select Import Manual Retouch. The Import Manual Retouch Objects dialog is displayed.

2.     Browse to the required SQLite file, and click Open. The layer is imported to the project.