Mobile Photography

The following perspective and overlap are recommended for optimum reconstruction results:

§  Perspective – Capture required objects and facades at a perpendicular angle and at a 30 degree oblique variance (60 and 120 degrees) to maximize triangulation quality, while minimizing perspective distortion.  In close-range data collection, any perspective which captures the object or façade at more than a 45 degree oblique will most likely be at a considerably lower resolution to provide effective input for the reconstruction.

§  Sky – Limit the sky component in the photo to no more than 30%. This can be achieved by setting the tripod to a higher altitude when possible, as well as by slightly angling the camera down (instead of pointing the camera directly at the horizon, 90 degrees from the ground, it can be angled 70-80 degrees from the ground).

§  Overlap – Maintain at least an 80% overlap, so that each object will appear in at least five photos. This provides PhotoMesh with the data to fill in holes in planes and facades that are partially obstructed by objects (such as trees and street furniture) which are closer to the camera.