Saving a Fuser AMI

See: Creating an Amazon EBS-Backed Linux AMI in Amazon’s AWS documentation for more information.

1.     In the navigation pane, choose Instances and select the PM Linux Fuser Initial instance. Choose Actions, Image, and Create Image.

2.     In the Create Image dialog, specify values for the following fields, and then choose Create Image.

§  Image name: PM Linux Fuser Image.

3.     While your AMI is being created, you can choose AMIs in the navigation pane to view its status. Initially, this is pending. After a few minutes, the status should change to available.

4.     Record the AMI ID of the created AMI, or copy it to the clipboard. You need this AMI ID for PhotoMesh to launch fuser instances.

5.     In the navigation pane, choose Instances and select the PM Linux Fuser Initial instance.

6.     Choose Actions, select Instance State, and then choose Terminate.