Adding and Editing a Layer’s Alias

Aliases can be set for layers to enable you to expose simple layer names and perform updates without needing to change the exposed names. The alias is displayed in the Layer Name field in the SkylineGlobe Layers dialog, and layers can be searched according to their aliases.

Note:Layer versions serve as an alternative method of updating layers for TerraExplorer projects (FLY layers). See Selecting a Layer Version” in this chapter for more information.

To add or edit a layer’s alias:

From the SkylineGlobe Server Manager menu, select Layers. The Layers page is displayed.

Select a row with a specific layer, and click Edit Alias. The Edit Alias dialog is displayed.

Graphical user interface, application
Description automatically generated

Edit Alias Dialog

Type an Alias 1 and/or Alias 2.

If you want to set an alias for all of the server’s sites, select its Cross-Site check box.

Note:This check box is only displayed for super administrators.

Click Save.