
Reconnect TerraExplorer to the last SkylineGlobe Server it was connected to. This method executes asynchronously, immediately returning an ITerraExplorerAsync80, thereby ensuring that control is promptly handed back to the calling function. The ITerraExplorerAsync80 object provides a callback-based mechanism similar to the JavaScript promise and the C# Task that allows for handling rejections/errors and successful resolution of the asynchronous operation (using OnReject and OnResolve).








ITerraExplorerAsync80 ReconnectAsync ()




HRESULT ReconnectAsync (ITerraExplorerAsync80** pITerraExplorerObject);

Return Value


An ITerraExplorerAsync80 object, which provides a callback-based mechanism similar to the JavaScript promise and the C# Task that offers the following functionality:

·          Allows for handling the various stages of the asynchronous operation, from tracking progress to managing rejection/error, and finally resolving the operation (using OnProgress, OnReject, and OnResolve respectively).

·          Upon resolution of the query, enables the passing of a SafeArray of float values representing the elevation values in the designated area, to the OnResolve callback.


See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.