Classifying Layers and Objects Using Feature Layers

Layers and objects, e.g., mesh layers, can be classified using classification polygons containing attribute data relevant to the mesh layer. Classification enables you to visually distinguish different areas of the layer and perform spatial and attribute queries on the feature layer that is classifying the mesh layer. The classification polygons are generally features in a feature layer, but individual polygon objects can also be used. The classification can be displayed either by colorizing or by displaying a 3D polygon around the intersecting layers and objects.

The new classification is dynamic and reflects any changes to the classifying polygon features or classified layers and objects. It does not pre-process the classification layers with any particular mesh, which means that multiple feature layers can classify a single mesh and multiple meshes can be classified by any particular classification feature layer. The appearance (e.g., fill color or altitude) of each of your classification polygons can be controlled by basing the polygon properties on layer attribute fields. See “About Basing Native Feature Layer Properties on Layer Attribute Fields” in the “Feature Layers” chapter for more information.

Skyline continues to provide legacy support for classification layers created in older versions of TerraExplorer Pro or in CityBuilder.