Importing and Exporting Using the Command Line

In addition to the format conversions supported from TerraExplorer user interface, additional conversions can be performed from the SLMeshConverter command line tool:

§  3D Tiles to: 3D Tiles, I3S/SLPK, 3MX, and o3DML

§  OSGB to: 3D Tiles, I3S/SLPK, 3MX, and o3DML

§  o3DML to o3DML

§  3DML to o3DML

§  3DML to LAS/LAZ 


To convert, construct a single command line that includes all the following:

1.     Run SLMeshConverter

"c:\program files\Skyline\TerraExplorer Pro\SLMeshConverter.exe" -cmd convert

2.     Define the input layer:

§  For 3DML/o3DML – Full path to the file

§  For 3D Tiles – Full path to the tileset.json

§  For OSGB – Full path to the root OSGB file

-in "FullPathToFile"

3.     -Define the output format:

§  For 3D Tiles

-f "b3dm"

§  For o3DML

-f "o3dml"

§  For 3DML

-f "3dml"

§  For I3S/SLPK

-f "i3s"

§  For 3MX

-f "3mxb"

§  For LAS/LAZ

-f "las"

Note:    The LAS/LAZ distinction is determined by the -out file name extension.

Note:    Point cloud density in meters is defined by the -las_res argument. E.g., -las_res 0.4

4.     Set the output WKT by defining the path to a file containing the WKT in a single line. If this parameter is not provided, the output will be in the same coordinate system as the input layer. For specific formats such as 3D Tiles, it is advisable to omit this parameter. Specify the output WKT file path, which should contain the WKT in a single line. If this parameter isn't provided, the output will maintain the same coordinate system as the input layer. For specific formats such as 3D Tiles, it's advisable to omit this parameter.

-wktout "C:\WKTFiles\4326.wkt"

5.     Define the output file/folder:

§  For 3MX/3D Tiles – Full path to the output folder

-out "C:\ConvertedLayers"

§  For 3DML/o3DML – Full path to the output file

-out "C:\ConvertedLayers\outputfile.3dml"

§  For I3S/SLPK – Full path to the output file

-out "C:\ConvertedLayers\outputfile.slpk"

§  For OSGB – Full path to the root OSGB file

-out "C:\ConvertedLayers\Tile_000106_000090.osgb"

§  For LAS – Full path to the output file

-out "C:\ ConvertedLayers\outputfile.las"

§  For LAZ – Full path to the output file

-out "C:\ ConvertedLayers\outputfile.laz"



Convert 3D Tiles to SLPK

"C:\Program Files\Skyline\TerraExplorer Pro\SLMeshConverter.exe" -cmd convert -in "C:\LayersToConvert\tileset.json" -out "N:\Output Files\OutputFile.slpk" -f i3s


Convert OSGB to o3DML

"C:\Program Files\Skyline\TerraExplorer Pro\SLMeshConverter.exe" -cmd convert -in "C:\LayersToConvert\Tile_000106_000090.osgb" -out "C:\ConvertedFiles\ConvertedFile.o3dml" -f o3dml


Convert 3DML to LAZ

"C:\Program Files\Skyline\TerraExplorer Pro\SLMeshConverter.exe" -cmd convert -in "C:\LayersToConvert\inputfile.3DML" -out "N:\Output Files\OutputFile.laz" -f las -las_res 0.4