Swiping Display Style

The Swipe Display Style tool enables you to dynamically swipe between a 3DML’s styles to view the interior of buildings or expose obscured sections of the 3D View.

To swipe between a mesh model’s display styles:

1.     In the Project Tree, select the required layer.

2.     On the 3D Mesh Layer tab, in the General group, click the arrow next to Display Tools, and select Swipe Display Style. The Swipe Display Style controls are displayed.

A screenshot of a cell phone Description automatically generated

Swipe Display Style Dialog

3.     Select the two display styles you want to swipe between.

4.     Toggle between Up-Down and Sides to swipe horizontally and vertically.

5.     Slide the slider all the way to the right to completely show the layer in the display style selected from the left display style list, and all the way to the left to completely show the layer in the display style selected from the right display style list. As the slider moves between these extremes, the first display style is gradually clipped to reveal the second one.

6.     Click Auto-Repeat A close up of a logo Description generated with high confidence to automatically loop the slider value between 0-100%.