
Returns the features that are currently loaded when this method is called.

Note:    If a layer is being streamed, the features returned by this method only reflect the layer status at the time the method is called. The actual loaded features may change as features are added or deleted while the layer is streaming.

Note:    If this method is called on an annotation feature group (these groups can be identified using the IsAnnotation method), the IFeatures80 that they return can only be used to query the point position of annotations and to read attribute values. Any values set for an annotation IFeature80 will not persist.








IFeatures80 GetCurrentFeatures ()




HRESULT GetCurrentFeatures (

       IFeatures80** pVal)

Return Value


An IFeatures80 representing the features that are currently loaded.


See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.