
Creates a location in the current camera position. A location defines the geographical coordinates of a point on the terrain as well as the position from which the point is to be viewed. By clicking on a location name in the Project Tree the camera can fly or jump to the location or play one of the predefined patterns (circle, oval, line or arc).

This method creates a location at the center of the 3D Window. If there is no terrain at the center of the window (the camera is facing the sky), the location of interest is set to a distance of two times the current altitude of the camera above the terrain.










ITerrainLocation80 CreateLocationHere(

       string GroupID = "",

       string Description = "")




HRESULT CreateLocationHere(

       BSTR GroupID,

       BSTR Description,  

       ITerrainLocation80** pITerrainLocation80)



The Project Tree group in which the location is created. If it is set to an empty string, the object is created under the root. You can obtain the GroupID by one of the following methods:

·          Create the group using IProjectTree80.CreateGroup.

·          Find the group, if you know the name, using IProjectTree80.FindItem.

·          Traverse the Tree using IProjectTree80 methods such as GetNextItem, until you come to the desired GroupID.


The name of the location as it appears in the Project Tree. If an empty string is passed into this parameter, TerraExplorer assigns it a unique name.

Return Value


An ITerrainLocation80, representing the newly created location.


See: HRESULT Return Values for a list of possible values returned by the HRESULT.