
Gets and sets an enum that determines the elevation behavior. The following are the possible values:

§   EB_REPLACE = 0
Replaces the area defined by the modified terrain with the selected elevation value.

§   EB_BELOW = 1
Replaces all elevation values that are lower than the selected elevation value with the selected elevation value.

§   EB_ABOVE = 2
Replaces all elevation values that are higher than the selected elevation value with the selected elevation value.

§   EB_OFFSET = 3
Offsets the area defined by the polygon with the selected elevation value.












ElevationBehaviorMode ElevationBehavior { get; set; }






HRESULT ElevationBehavior([out, retval] ElevationBehaviorMode* pVal)

HRESULT ElevationBehavior([in] ElevationBehaviorMode pVal)