
This event occurs when an action (e.g., fly to an object) is performed on an object.










void OnObjectAction(

       string ObjectID,

       IAction80 Action)




HRESULT OnObjectAction(

       [in] BSTR ObjectID,

       [in] IAction80* Action)



The ID of the object on which the action was performed.


An IAction80 representing the action that is performed on a TerraExplorer object. The following are possible values:

·          AC_FLYTO = 0
Fly to the object operation was started.

·          AC_CIRCLEPATTERN = 1
Circle object operation was started.

·          AC_OVALPATTERN = 2
Oval pattern around the object operation was started.

·          AC_LINEPATTERN = 3
Line pattern around the object operation was started.

·          AC_ARCPATTERN = 4
Arc pattern around the object operation was started.

·          AC_FOLLOWBEHIND = 5
Follow behind the object operation was started.

·          AC_FOLLOWABOVE = 6
Follow above the object operation was started.

·          AC_FOLLOWBELOW = 7
Follow below the object operation was started.

·          AC_FOLLOWRIGHT = 8
Follow from the right of the object operation was started.

·          AC_FOLLOWLEFT = 9
Follow from the left of the object operation was started.

Follow from behind and above the object operation was started.

·          AC_FOLLOWCOCKPIT = 11
Follow from cockpit operation was started.

Follow the object from the ground point operation was started.

·          AC_STOP = 13
The object operation was stopped (i.e., after a fly to operation).

·          AC_JUMP = 14
Jump to the object operation was started.

·          AC_DELETE = 15
The object was deleted.

·          AC_EDIT_FINISHED = 16
The object was finished being edited.

·          AC_OBJECT_ADDED = 17
An object was added to the project.

·          AC_PLAY = 18
Play operation for the object was started.

·          AC_SHOW = 19
A show or hide action was performed by clicking on the item show/hide icon.

·          AC_EDIT_STARTED = 20
Edit operation for the object was started.

·          AC_SELCHANGED = 21
A different object was selected.

·          AC_WAYPOINT_REACHED = 22
A dynamic object reached a way point, or the camera reached a presentation waypoint.

·          AC_GROUP_ADDED = 23
A group was added to the Project Tree.

·          AC_LAYER_ADDED =24
A feature layer was added to the project.

·          AC_LAYER_REFRESHED = 25
A feature layer was refreshed.

·          AC_ITEM_MOVED = 26
An item was moved in the Project Tree.

·          AC_LAYER_REMOVED = 27
A feature layer was removed from the project.

·          AC_3DML_ADDED = 28
A 3D mesh layer was added to the project.

·          AC_3DML_REMOVED = 29
A 3D mesh layer was removed from the project.

The drawing of a terrain object (from the user interface or API using IDrawing) was started.

The drawing of a terrain object (from the user interface or API using IDrawing) ended.

·          AC_EDIT_CHANGE = 32
Object was modified from the Property Sheet. This value is only available for objects that support Undo/Redo edit actions, i.e., text and image labels, video objects, polylines, polygons, 2D and 3D shapes (except for 3D polygons), and 3D models.