Photo Inspector Settings

Settings for your current inspection project can be viewed and edited from the Photo Inspector Settings dialog. These settings include general project information, viewer properties, photo filter settings, and inspection layer properties. The settings are saved separately for each photo layer and applied when closing the Settings dialog (either by clicking X or Close).

To view and modify photo inspector settings:

§  On the Photo Inspector toolbar, click Settings , and view/modify the settings as required:




Fix Photo Path URL

If the wrong URL is associated with a photo, click Fix. Then in the Find field, enter the current URL and in the Replace with field, enter the URL that you want to replace it with.

Camera Symbol Size

Enter the size of the camera symbols that should display for each photo.

Search Distance (m)

Search distance, in meters, for photos looking at the selected point. Enter a value that is suitable for the effective range of photos in your project.

Max Results Per Viewer

Number of photos that will be listed in the photo viewer photos list (for both the main viewer and secondary viewer).

Use PhotoMesh tiled photos format (smpt)

Turn on to stream only the required tiles of SMPT at the appropriate zoom level. This eliminates the need to load large JPEGs, improving. the performance of Photo Inspector.


Publish Project with Photos to SGS

Click Publish to publish also the original photos used by PhotoMesh (referenced by the AT Calculated Photos layer) when publishing to SkylineGlobe Server. Then in the Publish to SkylineGlobe Server dialog that is displayed, click Publish.

Note:    This capability is only available for SkylineGlobe Server 7.3.1 or higher.

Extract and Publish Area as Offline Kit

Click Publish to publish also the original photos used by PhotoMesh (referenced by the AT Calculated Photos layer). Then in the Extract and Publish Area as Offline Kit dialog that is displayed, enter the required information, and click Publish. SeeExtract and Publish Area as Offline Kit” in the “Publishing TerraExplorer Projects” chapter for information.

Secondary Viewer

Show Secondary Viewer

In a single viewer mode, the main viewer shows photos from all directions. When a secondary viewer is shown, it displays alternative photos to the main viewer: either from alternative directions or non-RGB photos (depends on the Secondary viewer settings).

Attached to Main

Attaching the secondary viewer to the main one links the two viewers so that the secondary viewer moves to focus on the same center point as in the main viewer, whenever you drag or zoom in the main viewer.

Secondary Viewer

Select what to display in the secondary viewer:

§  From alternative direction - Photos looking at the point of interest from the left, right, and behind

§  Non-RGB collections - e.g., NIR, thermal

Inspection Layer

Inspection Layer

Select the required inspection layer.

Layer Style

Click Edit Style to open the inspection layer's property sheet, and modify the properties as required (e.g., line color, annotation color). Click Reset Style to reset the inspection layer's properties to the default settings.

Create Inspection Layer

Click Create to create a new inspection layer. The New Inspection Layer dialog is displayed. Type a name for the layer and define custom attributes, that can be used to characterize and categorize the inspection area markings, and click Create.

Draw Mode

Select the drawing mode for the inspection markings:

§  Polyline

§  Freehand line

§  Polygon

Line Width

Line width of the inspection markings.

Max Symbols per Photo

Maximum number of inspection markers and measurements to display on each photo viewer. A large number of drawings may affect the tool's speed.

Measurement Units

Select Metric or U.S. Imperial.

Mesh Model

BIM Model

If you want to include information from an associated BIM model in your inspection report, select the required mesh model in the Project Tree, and click Capture. Then select the required BIM model in the Project Tree, and click Capture. Click Reset to remove the selection.

Project Information

Project Name

Name of project.

Project Description

Free text describing the project.

Created for

Free text identifying the company commissioning the project.


Name of inspector.