About Managing Users

From SkylineGlobe Server Manager’s Users page, you can view and manage the users allowed to administer and access resources on SkylineGlobe Server. All users are assigned user roles which define their level of access: super administrators can manage all their server’s sites, settings, users and layers, site administrators can manage all their site’s layers and users and some server settings, publishers can view and edit published layers and add layers to categories, while viewers can only view published content.

From the User’s page you can also manage your user groups. User groups enable you to easily provide view or edit access to a specific group of users (of which you are a member). A specific data source can be defined for each group to which all data from all users in the group should be uploaded and published.

The following user management activities can be performed from the Users page:

§  Searching users

§  Adding users and setting user properties

§  Editing user properties

§  Deleting users

§  Searching user groups

§  Adding new user groups

§  Editing user group properties

§  Deleting user groups