Loading WMTS/WMS Raster Layers in Esri Clients

You can access WMTS and WMS raster layers in all Esri clients, i.e. ArcGIS Desktop, ArcGIS Earth, ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online.

In ArcGIS Desktop

You can connect to SGS to load WMTS and WMS raster layers in either of the following ways:

Connect by logging in

Connect using an access token

Connect by Logging In

To connect by logging in: 

Note:It is recommended to use WMTS since it is a faster and more efficient way of distributing data than WMS because the tile sets are pre-generated.

In the Catalog window, expand the GIS Servers node and double-click Add WMS Server or Add WMTS Server. The Add WMS Server, Add WMTS Server or Add WCS Server dialog is displayed. 

In the URL field enter the following, and click OK: https://[ServerName]/SG/[SiteName]/arcgis/rest/services/wmsserver 
‎E.g., https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/SG/demos/arcgis/rest/services/wmsserver

If you want to access layers that were not publicly shared, i.e., layers whose permission level was not set to "Everyone", enter your user name and password, and click Log in. See "Granting Edit or View Access" in the "Working with Layers" chapter for more information.

Click Get Layers. The WMTS or WMS server connection is added as an item in your GIS Servers tree view. You can expand and work with the services provided by this connection. 

Connect Using an Access Token

To connect to non-public layers on SGS using an access token, follow the instructions below. See the "Access Token" property in the "Managing Users" chapter for information.

In the URL field enter the following:  

‎E.g., https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/SG/demos/ac47c01a9b174273adfa18a0abdc308f/arcgis/rest/services/wmsserver

Select the required layers, and click OK.

In ArcGIS Earth

You can connect to SGS to load WMTS and WMS layers in either of the following ways:

Connect by logging in

Connect using an access token

Connect by Logging In

To connect by logging in:

Note:It is recommended to use WMTS since it is a faster and more efficient way of distributing data than WMS because the tile sets are pre-generated.

Open the Settings dialog, and under the General tab, set the Spatial Reference to WGS 84.

Click Add Data Picture 2.

In the Add Data dialog, click Enter a URL, and then in the Type field, select OGC WMS or OGC WMTS.

Open the Portal Manager, and click Add Portal. The Add Portal dialog is displayed.

In the URL field enter the following, and click OK: https://[ServerName]/sg/[SiteName]/arcgis
‎E.g. https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/SG/demos/arcgis
‎The Skyline login is displayed.

Enter your user name and password, and click Log in, or select Guest Mode to log in as a guest. Guest users can only access publicly shared layers, i.e., layers whose permission level was set to "Everyone". See "Granting Edit or View Access" in the "Working with Layers" chapter for more information.

In the Portal Manager, right-click the SGS connection, and select Set as Active Portal.

Click Add Data Picture 20. You can add any layer to which you have view access. See Granting Edit or View Access” in this chapter for information on granting access to layers from other sites.

In the Add Data dialog, click Enter a URL, and then in the Type field, select OGC WMTS or OGC WMS.

In the URL field enter the following: https://[ServerName]/SG/[SiteName]/arcgis/rest/services/wmsserver 
‎E.g. https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/SG/demos/arcgis/rest/services/wmsserver

Click OK, and select the required layers.

Click Add.

Connect Using an Access Token

To connect using an access token, follow the instructions below. See the "Access Token" property in the "Managing Users" chapter for information.

In the URL field enter the following:

‎E.g., https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/SG/demos/ac47c01a9b174273adfa18a0abdc308f/arcgis/rest/services/wmsserver

Select the required layers, and click OK.


Note:You can also directly load a specific layer by adding the layer ID to your URL.

If connecting with a token, use the following format: https://[ServerName]/SG/[SiteName]/[token]/arcgis/rest/services/[LayerID]/wmsserver 
‎E.g., https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/SG/demos/ac47c01a9b174273adfa18a0abdc308f/arcgis/rest/services/625696/wmsserver

If connecting by logging in, connect to the portal and use the following format: https://[ServerName]/SG/[SiteName]/arcgis/rest/services/[LayerID]/wmsserver
‎E.g., https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/sg/demos/arcgis/rest/services/625696/wmsserver

In ArcGIS Pro

You can connect to SGS to load WMTS and WMS layers in either of the following ways:

Connect by logging in

Connect using an access token

Connect by Logging In

To connect by logging in:

Note:It is recommended to use WMTS since it is a faster and more efficient way of distributing data than WMS because the tile sets are pre-generated.

Open the Settings dialog, and under the General tab, set the Spatial Reference to WGS 84.

On the Insert tab, click Add Item, and select either New WMTS Server or New WMS Server. The WMTS/WMS Server Connection dialog is displayed.

Open the Portal Manager, and click Add Portal. The Add Portal dialog is displayed.

In the URL field enter the following, and click OK: https://[ServerName]/sg/[SiteName]/arcgis
‎E.g., https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/SG/demos/arcgis

In the Portal Manager, right-click the SGS connection, and select Sign in. The Skyline login is displayed.

Enter your user name and password, and click Log in, or select Guest Mode to log in as a guest. Guest users can only access publicly shared layers, i.e., layers whose permission level was set to "Everyone". See "Granting Edit or View Access" in the "Working with Layers" chapter for more information.

In the Portal Manager, right-click the SGS connection, and select Set as Active Portal.

On the Insert tab, click Connection, and select either New WMTS Server or New WMS Server. The WMTS/WMS Server Connection dialog is displayed.

In the URL field enter the following: https://[ServerName]/SG/[SiteName]/arcgis/rest/services/wmsserver 
‎E.g., https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/SG/demos/arcgis/rest/services/wmsserver

Click OK. Then select the required layers.

Click Add.

Connect Using an Access Token

To connect using an access token, follow the instructions below. See the "Access Token" property in the "Managing Users" chapter for information.

In the URL field enter the following:

For WMTS: https://[ServerName]/SG/[SiteName]/arcgis/services/[token]/mapserver 
‎E.g., https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/SG/demos/arcgis/services/ac47c01a9b174273adfa18a0abdc308f/mapserver

For WMS: https://[ServerName]/SG/[SiteName]/arcgis/services/[token]/wmsserver 
‎E.g., https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/SG/demos/arcgis/services/ac47c01a9b174273adfa18a0abdc308f/wmsserver

Select the required layers, and click OK.

In the Catalog pane, on the Favorites tab, open the connection that you recently added, right-click the layer you want, and select Add to Current Map.


Note:You can also directly load a specific layer by adding the layer ID to your URL.

If connecting with a token, use the following format: https://[ServerName]/SG/[SiteName]/[token]/arcgis/rest/services/[LayerID]/wmsserver 
‎E.g., https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/SG/demos/ac47c01a9b174273adfa18a0abdc308f/arcgis/rest/services/625696/wmsserver

If connecting by logging in, connect to the portal and use the following format: https://[ServerName]/SG/[SiteName]/arcgis/rest/services/[LayerID]/wmsserver
‎E.g., https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/sg/demos/arcgis/rest/services/625696/wmsserver

In ArcGIS Online

You can connect to SGS to load WMTS and WMS raster layers in either of the following ways:

Connect by logging in

Connect using an access token

Connect by Logging In

To set the spatial reference and select the WMTS/WMS service:

Note:It is recommended to use WMTS since it is a faster and more efficient way of distributing data than WMS because the tile sets are pre-generated.

Connect to a base map of spatial reference WGS 84: https://www.arcgis.com/home/group.html?id=4c790318395940c18a16e8acd721de25#overview

Hover over the thumbnail of the map you want to add, and click Open in Map Viewer.

Log in with an ArcGIS account.

On the top-right, click Open in Map Viewer Classic.

Click Add, and select Add Layer from Web. The Add Layer from Web dialog is displayed.

Select either A WMTS OGC Web Service or A WMS OGC Web Service.

To connect to only public layers on SGS, in the URL field enter the SGS public URL, and click OK: https://[ServerName]/sg/[SiteName]/arcgis/rest/services/wmsserver 
E.g., https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/SG/Demos/arcgis/rest/services/wmsserver

Note: All SGS layers must be on public HTTPS servers.

Click Get Layers.

Check all the layers you want to add and click Add Layer.

Connect Using an Access Token

To connect using an access token, follow the instructions below. See the "Access Token" property in the "Managing Users" chapter for information.

In the URL field, enter the following: https://[ServerName]/SG/[SiteName]/[token]arcgis/rest/services/wmsserver 
‎E.g., https://cloud.skylineglobe.com/SG/demos/ac47c01a9b174273adfa18a0abdc308f/arcgis/rest/services/wmsserver

Note:All SGS layers must be on public HTTPS servers.

Click Get Layers.

Check all the layers you want to add and click Add Layer.