Loading SkylineGlobe Layers

To add a layer from a SkylineGlobe server:

1.     On the Home tab, in the SGS group, click Load SGS Layers. The SkylineGlobe Layers dialog box is displayed, showing all layer types that are supported by TerraBuilder: Imagery, Elevation, RasterComplex, and TerraBuilderProject.

SkylineGlobe Layers Dialog Box

2.     If you aren’t already connected to the required SkylineGlobe Server, the Connect to SkylineGlobe Server dialog box is first displayed to enable you to connect. SeeLogging In to a SkylineGlobe Server” in this chapter for information. After logging in, the SkylineGlobe Layers dialog box is displayed showing all layer types.

3.     Search for the required layer. SeeSearching for SkylineGlobe Layers” in this chapter.

4.     Select the layer you want to load, and click Load. Use CTRL-click or SHIFT-click to multi-select layers.